
Diablo immortal mobile game trailer too much like another failed game
Diablo immortal mobile game trailer too much like another failed game

While the Seasons system in Diablo III has allowed fans to remain engaged with that game, a full-on service-oriented title is a whole new ballgame.

diablo immortal mobile game trailer too much like another failed game

Building a title that can stand up to that long test of time, and have the infrastructure necessary to constantly push new content, is no small feat: just ask the team that turned the failed Titan project into Overwatch. Blizzard may even possibly be looking to make it a long-running game-as-a-service, in which case it may be the only new Diablo game for a decade or more. To that end, Diablo 4 can't just be a fun game: it needs to be able to support an active fanbase for years.

Diablo immortal mobile game trailer too much like another failed game